Pagan Values Event 2015

Welcome to the 7th Annual Pagan Values Event!
This event seeks to encourage the deep discussions of Values and Virtues and Ethics within the Contemporary Pagan communities around the world.  How do our faiths impel us to react to situations of injustice or entrenched classism and racism and sexism?  In what sometimes feel like increasingly angry and partisan times, how do our Pagan paths lead us to one side or the other; or do they call us to bring everybody to the table?

So start writing or recording your thoughts and share links to them here in our comments, or here or here!

The hashtags of the year are :
‪#‎paganvalues2015‬ ‪#‎pv2015‬ and of course just ‪#‎paganvalues‬.


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7 responses to “Pagan Values Event 2015

  1. Pax

    Edited to add the Hashtags thanks to a timely reminder by the fabulous Diana Rajchel

  2. I think fundamentally, we pursue our own paths to better ourselves, however at some point on this journey we realise that to better ourselves we must better our surroundings. And as part of bettering our surroundings, we develop a distaste for the cruelty of life. It is from this point that we begin to feel compelled to act, and to make a difference.

    As a pagan, I don’t expect my gods to take action! So I do it on behalf of them.

    • Pax

      First off thank you for your reply!

      Two questions arise for me…

      1) what actions are you compelled to take?

      and while on the one hand I think I rather love your phrase…

      “As a pagan, I don’t expect my gods to take action! So I do it on behalf of them.”

      2) Why do you not expect your gods to take action?

  3. Pingback: Pagan Values Event 2015 | Upon Raven Wings

  4. Thank you for this opportunity – I was moved to give this topic a try, and the result can be found here.

  5. Here’s my first entry for this year. It’s NSFW, just a heads up.

  6. Here’s my other entry for the PVB that I published last night:

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