It’s the 9th Annual Pagan Values Month!

It’s still here! Both Pax and I have had some…interesting…times the past couple years, but we are back and can’t wait to hear what you have to say! To participate, blog, tweet, or even (publically!) Facebook post your thoughts on Pagan values and how you express them in your life.  We encourage you to then post links to the comments section on this post – we will likely highlight and summarize a few of them in later posts.

If using Twitter or Facebook, please use any of the following hashtags:

#paganvaluesmonth #2017pv #2017paganvaluesmonth #pvm #pvm2017

Also, we encourage you to join the Pagan Values Facebook Group.  Post your ethical questions there, and also share your Pagan Values related blog posts!

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Chris Aldridge at My Hellenic Life speaks up on The Importance of Good Moderation

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Three very different points of view on the topic

The contributions have started rolling in and today we share three from around the blogosphere.

In Pagan Values Event 2015, Stormwiseraven writes a piece directly exploring the meaning of virtues, values, and ethics; and also what values are present in their Pagan path.

Meanwhile over at Oath Bound, one of the many fine Pagan blogs at Patheos, Thorn Mooney posts her musings in Pagans, Hugging, and the Fine Art of Consent: A PSA

Meanwhile with profanity, NSFW and possibly offensive images and memes, and a refreshingly brutal honesty Sparrow Brown at The Barbed Pentacle examines how adult Pagans should realistically look at involvement in online media in What the word “network” really means, mother fuckers!

Intrigued, amused, shocked or offended; what are your thoughts and what do you have to say about living your Pagan values?

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Pagan Values 2015: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

When we started this project it often seemed that there was a lot more being publicized about Contemporary Pagan practices and how-to, rather than juicy discussions of how we live as Pagans outside of our ritual spaces and individual groups.  If there were deep thoughtful posts or conversations it seemed as if they were buried in individual blogs or hidden inside various discussion groups or bulletin boards.

One of the delightful changes in our online Pagan culture of the last decade is that we now have a MUCH greater wealth of online postings and discussions about Pagan Values throughout the year!

In March of this year, Terence P Ward writing at The Wild Hunt explored the topic of Hospitality: a Pagan Value? with short discussions on Hospitality with a number of Pagan luminaries.

Our community has also started extending deep conversations across many different sites and through a spectrum of thought and experience.
Over at Gods & Radicals, just this may, Kadmus wrote a delightfully complex and deep post on Capitalist Leveling and the Problem of Pagan Values.

Writing a few days later at the Patheos blog A Sense of Place, James Lindenschmidt carried the same conversation both forward and an interesting new direction with his post On Place, Pagan Values, and Politicizing Paganism.

As we approach the official start of Summer, Cherry Hill Seminary and instructor Selina Rifkin are offering are offering the course Pagans and Permaculture: Bringing Our Values Down to Earth.

So what conversations or posts or episodes have you experienced or witnessed that you would like to share, or perhaps respond to?

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Pagan Values Event: A slow subtle start for 2015

As yet we have had no Official submissions to the event, no links shared in the comments of the Event Announcement or on the Facebook pages.   Searches for the event tags have yielded no definitive results  HOWEVER results for “Pagan Values 2015” have yielded some delightful results

Posts inside the time frame of the Pagan Values Event include..

Yvonne Aburrow over at the Sermons from the Mound blog at Patheos has provided a primer on our topic in Paganism for Beginners: Values

Then there is Shauna Aura Knight writing at The Pagan Activist looking at the topic of Harrassment, Bigotry, Safety Policies, and Changing Culture

We look forward to your posts and comments and episodes on Pagan Values as the month continues

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Pagan Values Event 2015

Welcome to the 7th Annual Pagan Values Event!
This event seeks to encourage the deep discussions of Values and Virtues and Ethics within the Contemporary Pagan communities around the world.  How do our faiths impel us to react to situations of injustice or entrenched classism and racism and sexism?  In what sometimes feel like increasingly angry and partisan times, how do our Pagan paths lead us to one side or the other; or do they call us to bring everybody to the table?

So start writing or recording your thoughts and share links to them here in our comments, or here or here!

The hashtags of the year are :
‪#‎paganvalues2015‬ ‪#‎pv2015‬ and of course just ‪#‎paganvalues‬.


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Teaching Wiccan Values … Which Don’t Include Biting People

Sable Aradia, an author over on the Patheos Pagan Channel Seekers and Guides column of the Agora, shares with us an article related to teaching Wiccan values.  Specifically, she discusses the Wiccan Rede, the Charge of the Goddess, and the Ardanyes both a little about their origin and how they might be used and taught in the modern world.

Finally, Tim from the Intersections blog brings us a post where he recognizes the difficulty of identifying a set of values that any one of us could consider universal across our Big Tent of Paganism.  Instead, he discusses modern individuals, none of which are likely to be Pagans, who seem to be operated both inside and outside an ethical Pagan framework.

This rounds out the sixth annual Pagan Values month.  Thank you all for reading and especially thank you to our authors this year for helping us make this possible!

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Weekend Words: Consent and Exploration

Two articles came into to us over the weekend.

The first, from Mud and Magic, speaks to us about the value of enthusiastic consent.  With links to a variety of solid articles on consent from others in the Pagan community, this is a welcome addition to our values event!  Identifying three things that, in a ritual, that all participants should be notified of in advance (nudity, blood, and drugs), the author continues to discuss ways to move beyond these general concepts into ways to ensure participants are fully informed before joining in.

Secondly, from the Chasing Domestic Bliss blog comes less an essay about a specific value and more of an exploration of what values resonate with the author.  Specifically, she talks to us about her sense that connection and her creativity lead her forward in this exploration.

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Weekend Post Roundup

First off:  mea culpa!  I was paying more attention to Twitter and Facebook and less to the comments on our announcement post so I missed two articles from the end of last week that came into us there.  I’ve now subscribed to the comments in my favorite RSS reader so that shouldn’t happen again.  One thousand apologies!

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program!  I have three articles to share with you all on this fine Monday morning.  I’ll list them in the order that they were sent in to us:

  1. Honoring the Gods – T. Thorn Coyle
    Thorn offers her advice on building a relationship with the gods, cultivating that relationship, and how such a thing is both similar to and dissimilar from other human relationships into which we might enter into.  This was posted at Thorn’s the Pagan Channel over at Patheos;  you can also find her work at her own site and her involvement with Solar Cross Temple.
  2. St. Aradia – Sparrow Brown
    Over at the Barbed Pentacle, an exploration of Aradia especially as she related to the work toward ending oppression.  Unfortunately, I’m not as well-versed in the myth of Aradia as I might like to be so I don’t know that I can comment on things here as much as I would like.  Sorry, Sparrow!
  3. Food as a Pagan Value – Lupa
    The last article to share with you all came in just before the weekend.  Lupa shared with us her thoughts on food, food preparation and consumption, and how with a greater emphasis (dare I say, mindfulness) of from where and how our food comes to us we can lead more ethical lives.  I’ll even forgive for for a dig soylent since, as a person what pretty much hates food at this point, it seems fairly wonderful to me.  You can read more from Lupa at the Green Wolf.

And, with that, we’re caught up!  Remember, you can post a comment here, tweet at us or using the #paganvalues or #pve2014 hashtags, or send us an article on our Facebook page.  If you don’t have a blog of your own, we can host your article here, too, so don’t let that stop you!

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Discernment and Denial

Diana Rajchel is back with us today with two more posts over at her blog.

The first focuses on denial, specifically the right to deny others and exercise our own will.  This is a post in her series on sexual violence education for Pagans that she began following the revelations surrounding the arrest of a Pagan elder for possession of child pornography and allegations of his prior abuses.

The second and related post discusses an alteration to the Witch’s Pyramid.  These are four phrases that are meant to inform magic workers about the steps necessary to perform their magic:

  • To know
  • To will
  • To dare
  • To keep silent

Diana suggests an alteration to the last one; she’d change it to “to discern.”

That’s all we’ve got for today!  Remember, to be involved, all you need to do is write.  Tag it #paganvalues or #PVE21014 on Twitter or Facebook or share it with us via the same and we’ll share it with the rest of the community.

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